Bellary Integrated Rural Development Service Trust

BIRDS focuses on empowering women and raising awareness about child education to foster social change in and around Bellary, Karnataka.
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About Us

Bellary Integrated Rural Development Service Trust

We are working towards building a society which aims to create equal opportunities for women. Also, focuses on importance of education is for everyone to foster a bright and progressive future.

Bellary Integrated Rural Development Service Trust (BIRDS) is a nonprofit organization, established in the year 2010 in Bellary District, Karnataka. We are dedicated to empowering women and advocating for gender equality in society. We strive to create opportunities for women to enhance their skills, knowledge, and economic independence. Through various programs and initiatives, we raise awareness about the importance of education for children, especially girls, fostering a brighter future for generations to come. Our organization believes in the transformative power of education and actively promotes access to quality education for all children, regardless of their background or circumstances. BIRDS NGO is committed to create a supportive environment where women can thrive professionally and personally while nurturing the next generation through education and empowerment.
Join us in our mission to build a more inclusive and equitable society for women and children alike.

Our focus areas

An integrated approach to build a equitable and empowered society

Mission & Vision


We envisions a world where women are empowered to realize their full potential to be at par with everyone, and where every child has access to quality education for a progressive future.


Our mission is to empower women through education, skill development and other resources, while also promoting awareness and access to education for children, ensuring a brighter future for all.

Our Programs

Women Empowerment

We are dedicated to empowering women through skill development programs focused on tailoring and beautician work. We provide comprehensive training and resources to equip women with the expertise needed to thrive in these industries. Through our initiatives, we aim to create economic opportunities for women, enabling them to become financially independent and self-sufficient. By fostering their talents and entrepreneurial spirit, we contribute to the overall empowerment and advancement of women in the society.

Livelihood Programs

BIRDS in Bellary is dedicated to providing livelihood programs tailored to the needs of both rural and urban women. Through these initiatives, women are equipped with essential skills and resources to enhance their economic opportunities. By focusing on both rural and urban areas, the NGO aims to address the diverse needs of women across different communities. These programs empower women to become self-reliant and contribute positively to their households and communities.

Our Activities

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Legal Awareness Program

We conducted a Legal Awareness Program on April 20th, 2024, in Bellary, which saw participation from over 50 individuals. The event aimed to educate attendees about their legal rights and responsibilities, covering key topics relevant to the community. This initiative was well-attended and positively received by the participants.
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Beauty Parlour Training Program in Bellary, Karnataka

Our NGO organized a one-week beauty parlour training program from April 9th to April 16th, 2024, in Bellary district, Karnataka. This regular activity aims to empower participants with practical skills in beauty care and salon management. The training was well-received and benefited individuals seeking to enhance their expertise in this field.
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Free Tailoring Course

In Bellary, we provided free tailoring courses specifically designed for rural women, aiming to enhance their skills and empower them economically. Through this program, we successfully reached out to 69 women, offering them valuable training opportunities. By equipping these women with tailoring skills, we strive to enable them to generate income and support their families. This initiative not only fosters economic independence but also empowers these women to contribute positively to their communities. We remain committed to expand these kinds of impactful programs and uplift more women in rural areas.
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Free Beautician Course

In Kurugodu, Bellary, our NGO offered a free beautician course tailored specifically for rural women. This initiative aimed to equip them with valuable skills in the beauty industry, fostering economic empowerment and self-sufficiency. By providing this course, we sought to empower women to explore new opportunities and improve their livelihoods. It was a step towards enhancing their confidence and enabling them to thrive in the fast pace world.
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International Women's Day

We celebrated International Women's Day with fervor and enthusiasm, honoring the achievements and contributions of women worldwide. Through various events and activities, we highlighted the importance of gender equality and women's empowerment. It was a day dedicated to recognizing the resilience, strength and invaluable role of women in society. The celebration served as a reminder of the ongoing journey towards a more inclusive and equitable world for all women.

Our Impact

It is the small change that makes the biggest impact.


Board Members



Merajakshi Bai

Vice President


General Secretary



Bharat Kaushik


Pradyuman Sharma


Sushila Devi


Team Members




Volunteer with us for making a difference in somebody's life and also it is a good opportunity for you to give back to the society. For more information, mail us at

Get in touch

Mailing Address

Genikihal Road, Krishna Samudaya Bhavana, Kurugodu, Bellary, Karnataka

Email Address

Phone Number


Krishna Samudaya Bhavana, Kurugodu, Bellary